Monday, January 28, 2013

Im not broken just bent & I will learn to love again...

ahhh my tile pretty much explains my life to a T right now.. and honestly make me so happy!! I'm so ready to love again I feel like my life is going in the right direction and everything seems to be falling into place. Its amazing when you are happy how everyone around you is happy and positive things start to happen. I recently started to see someone who I am absolutely crushing on and it makes me happy <3 Everything that lacked in my last relationship has all of a sudden come to life in this one... I knew that if someone really wanted to show someone they cared they would and he defiantly does.
I have my own insecurities that I am trying to get through, they have made me question things and I know that its just from the times that I have been hurt. I have a lot of love to give and sometimes I jump 100% in to quick and end up being broken harded. I am learning that patience is a key :) I have a lot going on in life right now and I need to focus on the most important one first and that is my daughter! I want Aijla to be happy and when I am happy it makes our world together unbreakable.
Its been a bit of a struggle trying to date work a full time job & a part time job be a mommy and get ready for out big move and do the very best to work out daily and maintain a healthy lifestyle like I love. Its been a hand full but I wouldn't change much right now.. I am trying to not work so many days at my second job the cash is just so hard to pass up!. I wish there was more time for me to hangout with my main man ! ha ha (his name is not going on my blog.. yet) I want things to work out and they have been really amazing I again question things but I am working through them to see if its something that will fit and work with what I want and need as we are still learning about each other. We have a blast together and try and be with each other as much as we can. We do have like opposite schedules so that's not fun but we both try and make a good effort to see one another. Its been a  little over month and swear it feels like a year! haha he has been asking me out since the summer but wasn't available so things just feel into place pretty quick and i was very happy about it. He makes me smile day in and day out :) I need to learn to be patience with this one and know that the beginning stage of a relationship there is a lot to learn about one another it can make it or break it!
 so cheers to a freaking new year & me dating ha ha!!!

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